What file size should I split my rars to?

July 31st, 2016

I am not really sure what file size I should split them to. I am just uploading to RS and HF and mostly they are game ISO usually 4.4GB in size.
Answer #1
I am not really sure what file size I should split them to. I am just uploading to RS and HF and mostly they are game ISO usually 4.4GB in size.
Well with HF max filesize is 400mb im pretty sure and RS premium is 2GB so to save time you best bet is to archive into 400mb parts.
Answer #2
go with hf, rs sucks now
Answer #3
go with hf, rs sucks now
Still got a few weeks left on the account, uploading ~4 Gb takes 30-45mins for me so not a big deal with the extra file host, but I am giving RS a shot and see if its worth uploading long term since there are still roughly 50% of people downloading with RS.


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