What does IOPS do in a SSD?

January 31st, 2020

4K Random Write (Aligned) : 60,000 IOPS   
Maximum 4K Randdom Write : 85,000 IOPS

What does this mean? and how does that compare to this spec? Is it noticeable difference to the average casual gamer?
4KB Random Read speed Up to 40,000 IOPS
and the 4KB Random Write speed Up to 50,000 IOPS.

Answer #1
IOPS = Input Output operations Per Second. Now with that said the ones that have the most MAX IOPS, Read IOPS and Write IOPS will be the fastest drives. You also need to figure in the controller on the drive also.
IOPS is different than Reads/Writes MB per second as you may already know so try not to get the two confused. With enough searching on the net you should be able to find enough benchmarks that will give you a good idea of each drives performance.
Answer #2
why did you not google this?
you can find all this with a google search.
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