Utorrent Settings

August 7th, 2016

I hear that changing the settings can give a faster download speed
is this true ?
if so does anyone have them to hand ?

Answer #1
Google is your friend here..
Answer #2
I hear that changing the settings can give a faster download speed
is this true ?
if so does anyone have them to hand ?

To be honest, UTorrent has always worked just fine on it’s default settings for me. I doubt those articles that claim to boost your speed really even do anything.
Answer #3
torrent speed in download depends only on the seeds.. hmmm, that’s what i really observe
Answer #4
Your torrent settings are set based on A, your local network settings, B, your wide are network connection, C, personal preferences. If your downloading over a few MB/s then you might need to tweak the settings to increase the speed for a few torrents.
Answer #5
Answer #6
Mostly the SPEED depends on the SEEDERS
Bu u can tweak UTorrent to download files at 2-3 mb`s a sec..


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