using internet on mobile

February 3rd, 2020

If we are surfing internet on our PC.. .our ip address is there to trace us….but when we are using mobile what occours then…how Can u tell what am i using
Answer #1
Same thing. If you’re on your phone, just go to a site that checks your ip and see what it says.
Answer #2
ip address is logged with your phone provider, so its the same thing really.
you up to no good..?!
Answer #3
what about vpn and proxy
Answer #4
Can I just add that any device that connects to the Internet must have an IP address. Whether it’s the genuine one or it has been masked in some way is another matter.
Answer #5
Phones use pools of addresses, so one day you may have a different one to the other.
We’ve seen this on the servers at work, in the logs we can see a small range of addresses that all resolve to phone providers, but none a unique one for each visitor.


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