UPlay DRM crack and Legit games?

January 29th, 2020

Hi fine folks at , I want to ask that does installing any cracked Uplay game renders your original games library on Uplay unplayable?
I have decently sized legit game library on Uplay, basically every Assassin’s creed title ever released and some more like splinter cell blacklist etc. I remember I downloaded a cracked uplay game once and I was then unable to play my legit games, I never tried downloading a cracked uplay game ever since so I don’t know if things have changed or its still the same way.
I mean steam and origin drm’ed games doesn’t get affected if you download a cracked game which uses the said platform as drm, I can play my legit games on steam fine while I can play my downloaded games witch cracked steam drm too.
Can anyone with recent knowledge and experience shed some light here? So basically can cracked and legit Uplay games co-exist without any problem?

Answer #1
Try this.
Make an folder in your C drive. Where ever you want. Like on desktop. Install the cracked game into that folder. They let you pick the location to install while installing an game. Now when you play the game. Turn off all internet connection. Best thing to do is just unplug the ethernet cable.
I myself did not see any problem playing cracked games. I have uplay and steam. But it does not run in the background and I blocked any internet coming out of the cracked game.
Answer #2
Hmm that’s a good idea. Well last time I tried installing Far Cry 3 I think the crack itself patched the hosts file to block uplay servers and replaced the uplay launcher.
I will try it on my laptop to see if it works alongside my AC: Black Flag.
Answer #3
All you need to do is edit the host file and edit out those lines which block the connection. Reinstall uplay


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