Updating pirated Android apps?

August 16th, 2013

I have some games that I pirated on my Android phone that have newer versions I want to update them to.
If I just get the updated apk of the certain game and install it, will my data transfer over to the new version? Or will I not even be able to install the new version which has happened to me before with some apps saying “Application Not Installed”?
Or is there some easier way to update pirated apps since the Market doesn’t work with them?

Answer #1
Yes, you will need to install the latest apk file. Data (saved games) will transfer over just fine.
Answer #2
sadly there is no easy way. but most of the times the data stays.
as only the apk file is deleted and replaced with the new one. the data is unchanged.
although i have run into the prob that the data didn’t work twice now.
so its probably best to backup using titanium backup or something


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