unabel to burn…

August 5th, 2016

i am not able to burn any cd or dvd nor i am able to erase ma RW…
i didnt had this earlier now i cnt burn anything here ma nero says “burn process failed at… speed” man this is rediculus…
ultra iso cnt burn even n i am stuck here…
help me out guyz its goin ova ma head…
i enquired n some hardware 8448 error came through.. this is nuts i am not able to understand wats goin on…

Answer #1
Maybe buy a new burner. They are really cheap.
Answer #2
i appreciate your reply m8…
however it does run cd n dvds…
there seems to b a technical issue with the hardware.. i hope i dnt hav to reinstall windows…
Answer #3
Unfortunately I am not that good at troubleshooting that stuff. All I know is I burn A LOT of stuff and after a while it just doesn’t burn right anymore. It still plays, but the burning takes a crap, so I just buy a new burner. Good luck!
Answer #4
Moving -
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Answer #5
burners have several laser diodes for different functions sounds like one yours is dead RIP
Answer #6
There might be a problem with your drive. Get a new one. You dont need to make even a small change to your windows
Answer #7
Here’s a good one… Free Shipping too.
PLUS: 10% off with promo code �BHD6TEN9�, ends 6/10 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827118011
Answer #8
Befor buying a new burner, visit the manufacturer’s website and search for your model – maybe there is some newer firmware available.
To get the current firmware version of your drive, start Nero info tool (start > programs > nero > tools).
If there is some new firmware available be sure to check the right model several times and read the included info / readme properly. A faulty upgrade could destroy the drive finally.
Answer #9
Here's a good one... Free Shipping too.
PLUS: 10% off with promo code �BHD6TEN9�, ends 6/10 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827118011

burners have several laser diodes for different functions sounds like one yours is dead RIP
There might be a problem with your drive. Get a new one. You dont need to make even a small change to your windows
Unfortunately I am not that good at troubleshooting that stuff. All I know is I burn A LOT of stuff and after a while it just doesn't burn right anymore. It still plays, but the burning takes a crap, so I just buy a new burner. Good luck!
Befor buying a new burner, visit the manufacturer's website and search for your model - maybe there is some newer firmware available.
To get the current firmware version of your drive, start Nero info tool (start > programs > nero > tools).
If there is some new firmware available be sure to check the right model several times and read the included info / readme properly. A faulty upgrade could destroy the drive finally.

so many replies…
gosh.. its gr8 to hav guyz like you here…
i guess ma burner screwed up.. ill have to buy anotha..
i appreciate your helpin hand…
this site rockss…


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