Un-finalised DVD issue

August 8th, 2016

I’m trying to retrieve video footage from a DVD that was recorded on a stand standalone DVD recorder but the disc has not been finalised. I do not have access to device that DVD the was used to create the DVD so finalising the disc is not an option. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Answer #1
I don’t think you need the original.
ImgBurn has a “finalise” disc when you right click on the drive name – it has extra options on all the right click menus.
You should also be able to read the unfinalised disc on a PC anyway – computers use unfinalised discs as DVDRAM.
Answer #2
Another problem I have with the disc is when inserted into a PC it shows the disc as blank. I have been able to extract the video from the disc using a recovery tool but this was extracted as an iso file. I used nero to burn the image to another disc but this turned out the same as the original recording.
Answer #3
Can you extract the ISO using WinRar/MagicISO and show us the files (if it extracts at all).
Answer #4
Can you extract the ISO using WinRar/MagicISO and show us the files (if it extracts at all).
It won’t extract at all I’m afraid.
Answer #5
Another problem I have with the disc is when inserted into a PC it shows the disc as blank. I have been able to extract the video from the disc using a recovery tool but this was extracted as an iso file. I used nero to burn the image to another disc but this turned out the same as the original recording.
Based on that first part – it might be that the stand-alone writer writes it opposite to the PC (like gamecube discs, inside out to outside in).
The ISO maker “sees” data there but can’t make sense of it so it makes the ISO file of the whole disc, but it still contains nothing the PC recognises.
You might be SOL..
Answer #6
Don’t know what you tried, but if anything can recover it, it would probably be Isobuster..


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