Tomb Raider: Underworld Error need help

January 27th, 2020

Hello, I downloaded Tomb Raider: underworld from
At the end of installation I got this message:
I copied the crack and ran the game. Most of the times I try to run the game I get the following error.
Sometimes the game loads, when i try to start a game i get that error. Once I even got the game to run for 5 minutes then that error came.
Reinstalling didn’t solve the problem and my computer is more than capable of running the game. (8800 GTS with recently updated drivers) I run windows XP x64 bit. Does anyone know what the problem is? Is it because the installation doesn’t finish because of the securom thing? How do i fix that? Thank you for all your help!

Answer #1
Your crack doesnt work it seems!Try this::
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/164236941/Crack.rar
Answer #2
that crack did same problem. Maybe it is a bad download? But it was uploaded my arab-gb and so far those always worked for me. The gamecopyworld crack didn’t work either so its not the cracks fault..
Answer #3
Anyone have any idea what to do? I don’t think I will try to install a 32 bit windows just to play this game, even if I knew 100% that that was the problem. Anyways, why wouldn’t they make a game nowadays 64 bit compatible, many people have it nowadays.


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