Thunderbird – i get duplicate e-mail for address

August 1st, 2016

I have 1 e-mail address where i get duplicate e-mails. Sometimes they arrive for 10min from a first one, sometimes i get for a few hours later. I do not have idea why this is happen. I check hotmail setting and i do not see nothing new or other which can effect on this. In TB there is nothing (what i know) can do this. I know for IMAP protocol, i wont to download e-mails in that way. I use POP.
TB is up to date.

Answer #1
You don’t happen to have the same account added twice do you?
Tools / account setting.
Check to see if the account is there twice. If so, you can safely delete the duplicate one.
Answer #2
Nope. There is only one account.
Answer #3
OKkkkkk…another thought then …
Do you have your hotmails emails being forwarded to another account? Thunderbird would download the same message from both hotmail and the other one if so.
Head to / click the option cog / options / email forwarding.
Anything there?
Answer #4
Nope, i did not touch nothing. It is all ok in TB and in e-mail too.
p.s. i do not get notification e-mail when is new message posted. I subscribed from the first post and still is checked.
Answer #5
Email 101
99% of problems are solved by removing the account and adding it again (backup pst beforehand)
The other 1% is expecting rubbish protocols like imap and pop3 to function like Exchange.


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