Tattoo help (from your tattoo experience)

August 2nd, 2013

i just got a tattoo last week, on Tuesday of a snake, it wraps around my arm.
when i first got the “aftercare” sheet it said:
they said, after first day or so when it cleaned, put on some “polysporin Healfast Cream”
my brother got his tattoo 2 days ago, so when i was getting mine done, and he was at work. a guy (my sub-manger) who had 8-10 tattoos and his brother said never use polysporin healfast cream, it will turn your ink blue.
they recommended some “first aid webber vitamin” to him so we used that. it was going good…(used it Thursday) the itchy happen.. and such. but then on Friday night/Saturday..i started to see some pimples on my arm around that tattoo. I asked the guys the told me to use webber, they said it happens sometimes. it worried me a bit, but not to much, then its a week later (friday, still using webber cream) and i have like 20 pimples around my tattoo. just around my tattoo. I’m starting to think the webber is really making me break out. my tattoo looks sick tho, has its colour and such. sorry to go on, it my first tattoo and i would just like to know some stuff.
1. does polysporin Healfast Cream make your ink blue?
2. if the cream is making me break out, is it ruining my tattoo?
3. should i just wait for the tattoo to finish scabbing before i treat the pimples?
4. anyone ever break out from the cream treating their tattoo?
sorry to bug some of you of your time, but i just would like to know.. this is stressful, and worries me of my end product of the tattoo (even tho it looks fine right now)

Answer #1
Have a Google for Aftercare for Tattoos..

Answer #2
use bepanthem you can buy it from most super markets and chemists.wash ur tat 2-3 times a day dab it dry with a clean towel then apply you dont need much just enough to cover the tattoo it wont scab either if you use it works a treat hope this helps
Answer #3
Lol you should’ve gone to your nearest walk in clinic or a hospital and asked them what you should use.


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