SQL Database – help please
January 24th, 2020
I know absolutely nothing about these – can anyone help me with this please?
Any ready made – SQL Databases out there?
Many, many thanks
Anyone with any help at all here?
don’t double post please. also, this is the wrong section – moving to helpdesk
You have to add the database manually into your cpanel software, or into mysql directly then edit the configuration file for IPB. Then you may start the install.
Cant you just run the installer? It will install all that?
well goto mysql n than create an databae with any name you want after that create an username n password remember that username and password n after that select database n after that user n add user into the databse after that put this details into your ipb its so simple
Easy for those who know isn’t it
Easy for those who know isn't it
You enter the database name, user and password, how hard can it get?