Spring cleaning a pc +file storage.!

August 2nd, 2016

Hi folks..
Ok my problem is ive just maxed out my pc’s hard drive which i was quite shocked to find.
Im pretty new to downloading (movies and games mainly) and was wondering what most of you do once you have unpacked the rar files and have the AVI..
Ive bought a external media player hard drive that is 300 gig and also plays movies back on a regular tv which helps tons.
Do you folks keep your rar files once you have the avi, or discard them..???
I have just d/l a defrag tool because my drive on the pc was a mess..
without compleatly reinstalling windows, whats the best way to clean it up.
Or whats the best software to clean up the pc in regards to the regestry and all things important..
Any advice on all this will be awesome and any help of any kind will be great..
All the best folks, and a big thanks in advance….

Answer #1
the rar file is basically the avi compressed. so there no point keeping the 2. if you download a film then keep the rar. however some rar files have passwords in that case turn it into a avi and discard the rar(‘case you lose the password)
Answer #2
Ive bought a external media player hard drive that is 300 gig and also plays movies back on a regular tv which helps tons.
Nice move, I’ve often wished for one of those.
Do you folks keep your rar files once you have the avi, or discard them..???
I discard them as soon as I’ve checked the movie and feel sure there won’t be any playback problems.
Or whats the best software to clean up the pc in regards to the regestry and all things important..
No opinion on what is the ‘best’. I have used a few different versions to about the same effect and in all cases have the program create a backup in case things don’t go so well. without compleatly reinstalling windows, whats the best way to clean it up.
Well reinstalling would be my method of choice but even more helpful is to create an image of the drive following all the reinstallation. Once you are satisfied your system is fresh and tweaked just the way you like it with all or most of the applications you use, you create an image. Use the image to restore in a matter of minutes instead of going through the long dull process of a regular installation. This is the way I do it and it works perfectly, highly recommend you try it.
Answer #3
Niceone thanks for the advice guys, much appriciated..
All the best for christmas..


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