[Sorted] i think my CMOS battery is dying

August 7th, 2016

the last few days ive noticed the clock is stopping at the time i turn my PC off and unplug it. I think its the CMOS battery and i was wondering if i have to back anything up before i was to change it as it effects the bios.
Im running in windows XP Thanks in advance

Answer #1
No..No need to backup anything..But your bios might reset and you have to set it again..
If the battery is dead then possibly it’s been reset already..
If you are just the default bios settings..Then no worries..Only the time and date have to be set..And you can do that in Windows too..
Answer #2
if i was to just leave the cmos battery would it damage anything on the PC?
I run it on default settings anyway.
Answer #3
Nope..It wouldn’t damage nothing..But you have to set the time every time you boot your computer..
Some applications will fail to run if the time is set wrong.
Answer #4
Just go and buy a new one, Why make a big deal about it?
It’s a CR2032 battery btw.
Answer #5
if u dont unplug it and just shut down ur PC, it wont reset… happens to my old MoBo before
Answer #6
i changed the battery on it.
@ roberto i wanted to make sure if i couldnt get to the store today it wouldnt change any settings on the PC.
Answer #7
– I was going to send you a strip of 10 (they are about 20p each)
Glad you got it fixed, please can you edit the topic title to include [sorted] so that people don’t have to open it


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