[solved]What is going on with this people?

August 5th, 2016

Yo people, I have just built a PC and its great. The only thing is Hard Drive is not being detected at all. It is set as master in the IDE-0 slot so everything is working. The ide cable is working. The hard drive is also working as when I put the xp cd in the cd drive it detects a hard drive but my bios wont detect it. When i install xp it restarts after it completes the 1st stage of installation but after it restarts it still does not find a hard drive even though xp installed on the hard drive!!
This is stupid. What shall i do as I do not know the model or brand of the motherboard as it came from a pc my m8 gave me and it was working before. The hard though is a western digital 80gb IDE manufactures in september 2007.

Answer #1
I used to build my own towers and set ups for other people, Ive had that happen too.
I could suggest a bunch of cures but in the end most of the time I ended up either getting a new HD to test the problem (and keeping it) and then replacing the MoBo to fix the problem.
it sounds to me, like the hard drive is damaged, or as sometimes does happen, the MoBo is to old and doesnt recognize, or, just doesn’t like your HD.
unless you have some other working test computers to swap test out the parts…. its a real headache.
if it was me….. since XP does recognize the HD, and it does write to it, I would first buy a new MoBo&CPU combo.
then again…. might be as simple as a bad IDE cable. find a new one or just a different one and try that first.
Ive had weird problems like yours happen from a loose or bad cable too.
I hate computers anymore.
Answer #2
Have you only got one Hard Disk on the PC?
If so, check that you need to have a jumper set (master) with only one HD. Some hard disks don’t need a jumper to set it to master if only one HD is installed. Check the HD instruction booklet.
If Windows is installing then the BIOS must be detecting the disk because Windows uses BIOS info to install, although Windows can override BIOS settings if the option in the BIOS is set up that way.
Have you tried resetting the BIOS using the jumper on the mobo?
I’m just thinking about all the stuff I would try if I had your problem.

Answer #3
yes i have tried reseting the bios, repd the battery, repd ide cables. I know the hard drive works cause i put a ubuntu live cd in and it detects the hard drive fine. Theres no loose connections and the motherboard is good cause it detected my other hard drive! Wat shall i do???
Answer #4
I would get a win start up floppy (win 98 will do) to boot in to dos with, then run fdisk first to delete any partition if existing and recreate a primary partition next format it still under dos if that will not work scrap it a dos boot disc will do whichever you can get I assume you have a floppy drive ?
Answer #5
yh i do have floppy but im thinking if the mobo needs a bios update! and also there is no partion structure on the hard drive its brand new!!
Answer #6
definately try a bios update….. if no dice, post the model number of the hdd, it does sound like a jumper problem…. make sure you try as Master … if no luck CS (cable select) …. and if still nothing … no jumper ….. if nothing else …. a shotgun is a good way to fix the problem as well … guaranteed fix
Answer #7
lol, it works now m8 – thanks alot!!! i tried the hard drive with no jumper in and it started working. it looks as if the hard drive was roasting hot lol. so i took its jumper off and it started 2 work!! thanks m8 peace out!!
Answer #8
yh i do have floppy but im thinking if the mobo needs a bios update! and also there is no partion structure on the hard drive its brand new!!
thats what fdisk sets up
Answer #9
what about a bio update mate?
Answer #10
Yuo need to know the mother board maker and model to get bios info from there web site If you try to flash bios with an icorrect update your board will become a nice paper weight or brick if it aint broke dont fix it
Answer #11
it works now and i had found the model number and brand of the mobo as i found a 8mm writing containing just the model no
Answer #12
Glad you got it going !!
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