[SOLVED]RS Account disabled.. Limit exceeded

January 27th, 2020

but this means that you will not be able to download anything the following three days because we check how much you have downloaded in the last five days
Is it true?? I have to wait 3 whole days ???

Answer #1
Yup…If u dwnloaded more than 25 GB than u will have to wait for the time to exhaust
Answer #2
It works like this mate:
Day 1: 13 GB downloaded
Day 2: 7 GB downloaded
Day 3: 3 GB downloaded
Day 4: 2 GB downloaded
Day 5: You’ve exceeded the limit and can’t download
Day 6: You get to download up to 13 more GB
Hope yo get it. Good luck mate ^ _^
Answer #3
I am in the same situation today, it’s very annoying, considering the fact that my account is expiring this Saturday
Answer #4
It works like this mate:
Day 6: You get to download up to 13 more GB
Hope yo get it. Good luck mate ^ _^

So whats the deal..I CAN download another 13GBs (in just that 1 day) or do I wait 3 days as others have stated ?? Im just a lil’ confused
Answer #5
If you downloaded 25 GB in 2 days then you’ll have to wait 3 more days in order to download more. If you downloaded 25 GB in 3 days then you’ll have to wait 2 more days and so on. Good luck mate ^_^
Answer #6
Well I almost certainly didnt download 25gs in 2 or 3 days..Probably over a 5 day period
Answer #7
Well I almost certainly didnt download 25gs in 2 or 3 days..Probably over a 5 day period
If that is true then you should be able to download tomorrow. However, if you’re mistaken or inaccurate in your assumption then the wait period will be longer. Good luck mate ^_^
Answer #8
Ok thanks for all the feedback


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