[SOLVED]Need help for friends internet connection.

March 8th, 2014

So a friend just called who is overseas and currently on a hotel.
He paid a sum at the hotel to get internet access to write a report for his work, but the internet aint working on his laptop.
He uses Windows Xp and I Windows 7 -So can’t remember half of the paths and setting there. Also its to my understanding this is just way easier with Win7 as you just plug in the cable and ~love~ works.
So yeah, need help as to what he should be doing?
He just got told that the cable in his room should now be available and ready for use. He told em he has issues with getting online but they don’t think its a issue on their end.
How would one set up a internet connection on a hotel on winXP?

Answer #1
If his Laptop is all set properly and the network drivers are installed..He doesn’t have to do anything…Just connect the Ethernet cable and off you go..
Answer #2
lionden replied: If his Laptop is all set properly and the network drivers are installed..He doesn't have to do anything...Just connect the Ethernet cable and off you go..
Should be working. He said before he left his home he connected download a few papers he needed, and now at the hotel he cant get on.
Currently trying another room to see if he can get on there. But it should just work?
EDIT;: called back and works in the other room so all good- But thanks for the response.


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