[SOLVED]Joining Many Parts into one Iso (Far Cry 2)

August 4th, 2016

I know the title sounds confusing but I dunno how do describe it better. I recently downloaded FarCry 2 (http://www.google.com?p=12828093#12828093) and then I extracted it. But I have no clue how to continue now. I have got 79 ~ 50 mb parts called rzr-fcr2.001, rzr-fcr2.002, rzr-fcr2.003 and so on and I’ve got a “rzr-fcr2.sfv” file. I think I’ve got to join these files into the Iso file but I don’t know how to do it and which programm to use. You may think now that I’m a noob and thats kind of true because I’m new to this whole stuff. It would be totally awesome if someone could solve my problem.
sry for my bad englisch but I’m from germany :/
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Answer #1
Install WinRar…make sure all the parts are in the same folder…right click on the file FC_2-Razor1911.part01.rar and go on extract to FC_2-Razor1911…After the extraction you will have ISO in the FC_2-Razor1911 folder…
Answer #2
I tried it but its still the same result :/ it looks like this http://img338.imageshack.us/my.php?image=lololyf8.jpg
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Answer #3
Ah…sorry yea you have to extract a second time…Open winrar…open the folder in the image you posted….highlight the file rzr-fcr2.001…ans go on the Extract to button at the top…
Answer #4
It worked! Thank you so much xD
Answer #5
use Alzip
Answer #6
What the hell is Alzip…And what the point as the guy alreadyreplied:
It worked! Thank you so much xD
Answer #7
Solved tags added.


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