Joining two images together

August 5th, 2016

I scanned a image but i had too do it in two halfs because it was too big for the scanner.
How do i join the two halfs together?

Answer #1
Ya got photoshop?
If you have make a new image the size of both images put together.
open up both images select all on each one then drag them onto the new image and position.
good luck
Answer #2
open photoshop
open first part
open second part
open new document with size that both parts can fit
use move tool to move first part to new document
use move tool to move second part to new document
use move tool to make those parts fit with each other
print or whatever
hope i helped
Answer #3
Ok here’s a step-by-step list about what to do:

  • Add up the sizes of both the images together (e.g. image 1 is 100*150, image 2 is 120*200, that would be 220*350 in the new image).
  • If you use Photoshop:
    – Go to File –> New, and type in the calculated sizes. Leave all other stuff default.
    – Go to File –> Place and select the first part of the image.
    – Select another tool in the tool selection menu, and then click apply or accept or something like that in the menu that pops up.
    – Ctrl + click the image of the current layer on the layer palette.
    – Grab a selection tool, right click on the selection, and select: Inverse Selection.
    – Then copy-paste the 2nd image (not place, copy paste) and it’s at the bottom of the 1st image.
    – Go to File –> Save as, and select .jpg in the dropdown menu and select maximum settings, you won’t lose any quality and it’s the smallest file without quality loss.

  • If you use paint:
    – Open Paint
    – Go to Image –> Features (or some synonym, I use the dutch version of Paint so I don’t know for sure).
    – Enter the calculated values of pixels from the first step.
    – Copy-paste the first image
    – Click another tool to deselect the first image.
    – Now zoom in with the highest zoom mode on the left bottom corner of the first image.
    – Copy-paste the second image.
    – Drag the upper left corner of the second image exactly one pixel below the bottom left corner of the first image. This way they will exactly fit.

Might be a bit complicated to read, but if you just follow it step by step it’s pretty easy (especially with photoshop in my opinion).
Answer #4
same as mine but more beautiful lol
it would be as an tutorial if u add pictures
Answer #5
Yeah I think so xD Thought I put enough time in it just by typing this out, was like 5 to 10 minutes for a simple little guide, like what the heck


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