[SOLVED]bad sectors? using Linux Mint MATE.

January 20th, 2020

I have booted in to windows 7 and checked the HDD for bad sectors and it said it found problems and auto fixed them. it took just under an hour.
how can I solve this? my main OS is Linux Mint MATE. do I need to boot in to windows or do something else????
you wouldn’t believe me even if I told you how much the HDD cost. it come out of a CCTV box but I formatted it and it’s saying on Linux “5 bad sectors” I have tried fixing this with windows 7 but no luck.

Answer #1
Try to boot with Hiren’s BootCD > HDD Regenerator
The fact is even if you do a full scan and the program report all sectors recovered..If you do another scan..There is a chance you might find more bad sectors..
Answer #2
what does HDD Regenerator do?
Answer #3
It scans and recover (fix) Bad sectors..
Answer #4
can I boot it from a USB? I don’t think I have any spare CD’s.
got my answer from Google, will try it and let you know. thanks again! #youreastar
Answer #5
You can’t really expect to fix mechanical faults or physical faults with the platters of your hard drive..
However 5 bad sectors is not bad as yet, and your operating system will mark them so they are not used.
That’s why Linux says the disk is OK,
Hard Disk Senti is a good app to check HDDs
Can run it from Windows and I believe it is on Hiren’s BootCD too..
Answer #6
I created my own USB conversion topic to Hiren’s BootCD with 53 pages:
But due to aggregations…I trashed it..
I’m sure there is somebody out there who did the same thing..


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