[Solved] OSD Recording

October 13th, 2013

My google-fu is weak, I have not been able to find what I would like to know.
Here is my scenario I want to use FRAPS or another variant to record my gameplay but I want Rivatuner to show in the recording when I play it back in VLC or another media player. I found a post on another forum stating that I would need to configure Rivatuner’s frame rate server. The same post also had links to youtube videos where they had successfully gotten Fraps to record their frame rate.

But I haven’t been able to find a whole lot about configuring Rivatuner.
I already know how to get it to show up in-game, I’ve known how to do that from just fiddling with Rivatuner. Its the getting Fraps to record it bit, that has me stumped.
Thanks for looking and possibly replying!
*Guncam looks like it will be able to deliver what I want.*
Answer #1
Rivatuner is out of date software. It has not been maintained since 2009.
What exactly are you trying to do again? Record your framerate? FRAPS has that option.
PS, I use XSplit for all my recording/broadcasting needs.
Answer #2
What I am trying to do is this.
I want it to be a movie and not just a screen grab via the Print Screen key.
The reason for this is because I am trying to sell my HIS 4670 GFX card, and I want to be able to show what it can do in video form while displaying the information from Rivatuner. I have found a couple of videos on youtube showing what I want but I haven’t found a way to replicate it.


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