[solved] Need someone who can work with Adobe Indesign

July 26th, 2016

I need someone who wants to help me with a project.
It’s not much work, but I can’t work with Adobe Indesign and Photoshop etc..
Can you pm me plz?
many thanks:)
More information:
We organize a party on school… And we need .pdf files for the printing office, as you probably know.
These has to be made with inDesign, thought. More info I will give on msn.
BTW.. If anyone speaks dutch, would be a great help. (because all info, previews, draught, etc is in dutch.)

Answer #1
I work with both Photoshop and InDesign… What can I do for you ??
Answer #2
Can you add me on msn: simoncoene@hotmail.com
i’ll explain it there
Answer #3
Moved from All other requests to Helpdesk.
Answer #4
Anyone else?
Answer #5
Can anyone else help me?
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Answer #6
hi i work with indesign, photoshop and almost all the other creative suite applications. what do you need and when do you need it? ps i aint on msn so best thing would be to pm me
Answer #7
thank you for quick reply, the more people we have, the faster the work… plz:)


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