[Solved] Need help with printer

December 18th, 2013

The air forms at the yellow ink supply. It’s due to I not use it for 3 months outstation.
I got source tell me that it will auto flow into cartridge after several prints. I follow the instruction and the yellow ink start to move. However, before yellow ink managed to get into cartridge, yellow ink run out and my printing has no yellow color on it. The yellow ink also stop move.
I tried lift the tank up. The yellow ink flowed into cartridge, however printing has excessive blue smudge on it. After I lift down the tank, yellow ink move back original location.
Anyone with experience in this field please help me. Thanks in advanced.
Edit: DIY din’t help much. I took to store, and they clean the cartridge manually, and they noticed red sponge had harden due to long time no use. Lucky they din’t charge me because I have relation with their boss

Answer #1
I know you might not want to hear that…But I think the best solution is to buy a new cartridge…
Answer #2
It needs flushing properly as it hasn’t been used for a while.
Probably will use a fair bit of ink to do it thoroughly
Answer #3
Edit – sorry double post
Answer #4
i would do what lionden said to do is to buy a new cartridge


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