Software to crack password?
February 25th, 2022
Possibly none..Most of them either come up with nothing or will take a few years to crack the password and even then they might fail..
If you can’t find the password by other means..You are out of luck..
I doubt there are any “public” programs for cracking those you listed. As I used to search for them. Then I found the dark side of rar etc cracking
There are “hidden” programs that you can use. Google it. But its going to take a lots of googling. It does take a lots of time on cracking. If its really simple words then it could take hours depending on the word length (how many letters). Add in @#$… lower case…higher case… etc then it could take months or years.
What kind of rar is it? If its downloaded. Usually you can google the name and can find the password.
it’ll take longer than your life time; really not worth it.
If you know some characters or the exact length you can use crark:
If you are looking for something Completely unknown, forget about it.
It’s far more likely to find a vulnerability in those softwares than cracking a password with bulletproof cryptography. Unless if you work for the NSA then you have a chance
BitLocker and TrueCrypt Encryption password 32 characters long with lower/higher case/symbol , I was wondering how long for FBI, NSA to crack those password?
Supposedly an agency will have access to multiple processors to brute decrypt something like that. Imagine a machine that has the proccessing power of millions of i7s… now that’ll speed things up.