Shrink/Crop/Stretch Video to fit iPhone 4

August 18th, 2013

I have been using Xilisoft, VirtualDub, DubMux, Handbrake, AviRecomp and others.. but with no luck!
I just want to shrink the size of a movie to fit into my iPhone without losing image (cropping) and also reducing the file size.
I’ve tried so many options, I read and watched guides but no matter what – when I copy the movie to the iphone it shows up with the black bars.
Making things worse – I want to hardcode subs onto the movies

Answer #1
Your video is likely to have a different resolution and aspect ratio (AR) than the iphone display which is why you got black bars. If you change the video resolution like you want, it will alter the AR and make the video look wrong. That is why it shows with black bars. Looking at the iphone specs it has a 1.5:1 AR display and TV has a 16:9 (1.7777:1) AR, Movies 2.41:1 or 1.85:1 so even for widescreen TV, you are going to get some black bars and for movies, they will be much larger. There is no way round this without distorting the video or cropping it.
Answer #2
AVPLAYER is doing the job great, So I just compress the file sizes so I can store more movie on the iPhone.
Thanks for the info


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