Shift key bug

August 4th, 2013

hi , im having a weird bug with the shift key… i can make some uppercase letter but some dont work : ASDFJKL (“gh” dont work) also i can’t do : ‘ ” using the right shift key , i can’t shift + tab anymore… its really weird got this bug since 3days now.. rly pissed! help plz
Answer #1
I think there is a Problem in your Shift Key Button ! Try replacing your keyboard of use Caps Lock key instead ……….
Answer #2
Yeah, sounds like a dodgy ‘shift’ key.
If you are using windows, you can try turning on ‘sticky keys’ to see if it will help. That way, you don’t need to press the shift key at the same time as the other keys. It might work.
If it is a faulty membrane on a desktop keyboard, you could just buy a new keyboard – it’s probably not worth getting it repaired.
If it is on a laptop, it might be a little more expensive to fix. Try using a keyboard vacuum with a soft brush attachment to see if that helps.
If you can’t afford a new keyboard or a repair just yet, you might need to use keystroke ALT+number to insert the relevant character e.g. ALT+71 or ALT+72 for G and H, ALT+58 for : ALT+39 for ‘ and ALT+34 for ”
It’s a pain, but at least it’s a free temporary workaround!
You can easily get a full list of keystroke ALTs from the internet, if you need more of them.


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