Selling my desktop and buying a laptop, any suggestions?

July 29th, 2013

In august I am moving from Boston, MA to Seoul, South Korea. I built my desktop, but shipping it halfway across the world is not going to be cheap, so I figure the best solution is to sell my desktop and buy a powerful gaming laptop
Desktop specs are:
Intel Core2Quad 3.0GHz
8 GB DDR2 Ram
Asus P5Q-E motherboard
MSI NVidia GTX 480 graphics card
~ 6TB total storage
3 Monitors (26″ main monitor, and 2 17″ monitors)
I am obviously keeping the hard drives, but I figure its time to switch to a more portable solution. In terms of a laptop I am looking for:
i7 quad core
8-16 gb ram
gtx 560m or higher graphics card
The price i am looking for is between 1200 and 1600.
Anyone have any suggestions?

Answer #1
Why don’t you see if you can build a computer in Korea?
Answer #2
solyendo replied: Why don't you see if you can build a computer in Korea?
This. Sell your PC – then buy one in Korea – Desktop one again – because it will be much better for games of course
Answer #3
excellent idea. thanks guys, i didnt really think about that.


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