Seeding and Leeching: Help

January 21st, 2020

Hi, I was just wondering if anyone could please help…
-Explain to me the basics of seeds and leeches
-How do I actually seed a torrent?
-Is there any way I can speed up the slow download process (I have Flashget & uTorrent)

I’ve Google searched it numerous times, and searched through forums but none really give me enough info, or a well enough presented answer.
Please post any information you think will help me out.
Thanks in advance.

Answer #1
Moved - #3.3 Topics must be submitted to the relevant forums. Please read the forum descriptions before posting.

Answer #2
Hey mate…
-Explain to me the basics of seeds and leeches
Once a person has downloaded something completely it starts uploading. The uploader is called seeder and the downloader is called leecher. On torrents it’s not 1 person uploads – many people can downloaded as the files aren’t hosted anywhere on servers, they’re hosted on your computer so you give files to people and they give to you.
-How do I actually seed a torrent?
After your download has completed it will seed (upload) automatically as long as there are other people which want the files (leechers)
-Is there any way I can speed up the slow download process (I have Flashget & uTorrent)
idk, sorry
Answer #3

-Explain to me the basics of seeds and leeches
-How do I actually seed a torrent?
-Is there any way I can speed up the slow download process (I have Flashget & uTorrent)

1. People who act as sources by uploading so that others can download from them are counted as seeds. People who don’t upload back after downloading are called Leechers.
2. You can seed a torrent in two ways:
i) Downloading a file and then letting utorrent or whatever upload it back so that others can download.
ii) If you had previously downloaded a torrent and now to better your ratio you want to upload back, you can just simply download and load the torrent in utorrent and save it where the previously downloaded file is saved. Thus, utorrent will check for the availability of the file and on marking it as 100%, it will start seeding/uploading it . But make sure the torrent you’re seeding has some leechers, otherwise you will just wait and nothing will happen .
3. There are a few tricks to tweak your torrent client but they just help fully utilize the available bandwidth. They won’t get you 2MBps on a 1 MBps line .
Hope this helps
Answer #4
I Don’t use torrents anymore but, Seeding is another word for uploading. You seed a torrent after you’ve downloaded it, it does it automatically if your using uTorrent. It will not stop seeding until you stop it physically or you quit uTorrent. To speed up your downloads (I always got slow downloads too, part of the reason i switched to forums) you have to set-up correct ports and you need correct settings. There are a few tutorials around that do work. Try the forums of the actual torrents sites for better help.
Answer #5
3. There are a few tricks to tweak your torrent client but they just help fully utilize the available bandwidth. They won't get you 2MBps on a 1 MBps line .
Hope this helps

Do you mean you can increase your download limit foir example my monthly download limit is 25gb is there anything I can that I can download more torrents?
Does uploading effect my monthly download rate? Will it take awau from my 25gb?
Answer #6
im pretty sure it would
but yeah the only thingg i can recomend is change your download plan
Answer #7
You have to forward the ports on your connection to speed it up.
P.S. It helps to be in a good private site just in case you aren’t already in one.


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