screen is shimmering with new pc!

July 25th, 2016

i just bought a new pc,and my 22′ westinghouse monitor is shimmering when i use it,it happens more when a prog. or game is running,
pc specs,
athlon 11 620 quad core 4X2.66ghz
4gb ram
win 7 ultimate 64 bit
geforce 9500 gt GC
monitor specs.
westinghouse 22″
59hz refresh
dvi compatible
pc works fine,and the screen worked fine on my old pc till now.
any suggestions?

Answer #1
Got latest drivers?
Answer #2
Make sure that your using the recommended resolution, and that the cables are connected properly, also what do you mean by shimmering?
Answer #3
i dont know exactly what u mean by shimmering but if its what i think it is play about with the refresh rate
Answer #4
all i cna suggest is install the latest drivers from the link below, reboot, and see if the problme is still there,
allso, dose this shkeing happen when you are on the BIOS screen, if so then i belive this to be a hardware problme, check to defective cables, conections, ect ect
nVidia Drivers
Answer #5
ok so i read somewhere that it could be the electrical outlets so i tested with a 2nd screen with 75 refresh rate,same outlet different surge protecter,didnt help,tried a second outlet in the same room didnt help,but i trieda 3rd outlet in the hallway and it was better,but not totally gone,could it be the electric outlets or the surge protector,because i got the latest drivers and everything seems fine as far as hardware goes?
also by shimmering i mean,that if u look at the screen you can see like the screen is shaky and actually it got worse today,my 22″ doesnt have ore than 59 refresh rate.
Answer #6
ok so i updated to the latest drivers,didnt help,checked it shimmers in bios menu too,do you think it could have something to do with settings for 64bit windows?
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Answer #7
if it shimmers in the bios, its not the software. Meaning its either the cables, or the monitor
Answer #8
Actually it sounds like your PSU is not strong enough for your system
What do you got? 500?
Answer #9
Actually it sounds like your PSU is not strong enough for your system
What do you got? 500?
its supposed to be a hevay duty 500w quiet 120mm psu,i asked to upgrade it to that,but who knows if he actually put it in? is there a way to find out what it is?
Answer #10
You have to open up the case and have a look inside.
Answer #11
just make sure u use highest refresh rate for ur monitor.
Answer #12
just make sure u use highest refresh rate for ur monitor. it doesnt help…
Answer #13
You have to open up the case and have a look inside.what am i looking for?
Answer #14
It should be marked on your PS somewhere on what it is.
Answer #15
anyone have any suggestions?
Answer #16
i _think_ i understand what you meen by “shimmer” (a sort of horizontal vibration in the picture?) and it is almost cerinaly hardware related, either:
-the monitor
-the graphics card
*which make/model are you using?
-the connecting cable
*is it a DVI (look for a ‘+’ shaped pin on one edge of the connector) or VGA cable (25 identical pins, spaced in a partern across the connector)
*make sure that the cabled are firmly pushed in and screwed tight on both the monitor and the computer *do you have a spare cable to check?
Answer #17
sounds like a loose connection or interference
when you connect the cable tighten the thumb screws the rock the plug the long way and re-tighten the screws
repeat until screws won’t tighten any more and check both ends
if you move the vid card to PC cable around duz it change ?
what do you have near the PC ?
Answer #18
Do you have a second monitor you can check the pc with?
Answer #19
Do you have a second monitor you can check the pc with?i cahecked with a 2nd screen same problem and i have it in bios so it means its not the GC,i moved the cables around etc, didnt help…
Answer #20
Ok if the second monitor did that as well, than this is what it might be. I noticed your graphics card is overclocked. press the speedfan in the text to download it. Check your tempratures and post them here. Your graphics card might be overheating causing the artifacts to appear on the screen.
Answer #21
Ok if the second monitor did that as well, than this is what it might be. I noticed your graphics card is overclocked. press the speedfan in the text to download it. Check your tempratures and post them here. Your graphics card might be overheating causing the artifacts to appear on the screen.
Ok ill try it but i also see it when im in bios,doesnt that mean it cant be the GC? also someone posted above it might be the PSU,anyone have any info on that?
Answer #22
Ok if the second monitor did that as well, than this is what it might be. I noticed your graphics card is overclocked. press the speedfan in the text to download it. Check your tempratures and post them here. Your graphics card might be overheating causing the artifacts to appear on the screen.
Ok ill try it but i also see it when im in bios,doesnt that mean it cant be the GC? also someone posted above it might be the PSU,anyone have any info on that?

If your graphics cards fan isn’t working, or if the heatsink from it came apart, it will overheat right when it turns on. And also if your case has bad ventilation, combining that with a overclocked graphics card will surely cause overheating. To know if your powersupply is efficient enough you need to post the ratings of it.
Answer #23
its a 500w power supply,theres the volt switch on the back,what volt should it be on,115 or 230?
Answer #24
its a 500w power supply,theres the volt switch on the back,what volt should it be on,115 or 230?
it depends where in the world you are. if its working in the position its in, dont change it or you will perminantly destroy your power supply
Answer #25
its a 500w power supply,theres the volt switch on the back,what volt should it be on,115 or 230?
500w, even if the voltage on the amps is crappy should be enough for that. I still think its overheating. Did you download that program? It takes literally less than 2 minutes to install.
Answer #26
its a 500w power supply,theres the volt switch on the back,what volt should it be on,115 or 230?
500w, even if the voltage on the amps is crappy should be enough for that. I still think its overheating. Did you download that program? It takes literally less than 2 minutes to install.
i just got home ill ty it right away.what am i looking for once the program is installed??
Answer #27
ok i tested with speedfan,my GPU is 54c and theres a pic of fire near it.
acpi 28.0c is this all you need?
Answer #28
54c isnt high enough. So we know its not the drivers, and the card is not overheating. The card can still be faulty. Do you have on board graphics?
Answer #29
no i have geforce 9500 gt with 1gb ram,also i checked and my psu is 400w not 500w i have to send it back to change to 500w…
Answer #30
alright let me know if the problem is fixed when you get it back.
Answer #31
ok though i dont know what to tell them the problem is…
Answer #32
ok though i dont know what to tell them the problem is...
well the screen shimmering would be one thing. take your computer, your monitor and all your cables into the store you got it from, set it up and show them
Answer #33
i just spoke to the pc technician and he said i should try updating bios,ill see if that works..
Answer #34
i think i solved it!!!!! i updated bios and voila no shimmer, so far!!!! thanks everyone for the help!!
Answer #35
edit:sory i spoke too soon,its better but not totally gone.
Answer #36
ok i figured out its not the graphics card,because i switched to onboard graphics and it still shimmered…
Answer #37
Connecting via VGA ?
Use DVI cable if you can..or try new cable..
Answer #38

.::. wrote: Select all

Connecting via VGA ?
Use DVI cable if you can..or try new cable..yes vga, i think its a drivers problem im going to reinstall windows and use drivergenius to get drivers is that smart to do?
Answer #39

.::. wrote: Select all

Connecting via VGA ?
Use DVI cable if you can..or try new cable..
yes vga, i think its a drivers problem im going to reinstall windows and use drivergenius to get drivers is that smart to do?
its likely a bad cable. try with a different one
Answer #40
….and use DVI if you can….less prone to interference..
Answer #41

.::. wrote: Select all

Connecting via VGA ?
Use DVI cable if you can..or try new cable..
yes vga, i think its a drivers problem im going to reinstall windows and use drivergenius to get drivers is that smart to do?

its likely a bad cable. try with a different onei tried 2 different screens,so i doubt its the cable..
Answer #42
i have been reading this for a while , and my money is on power or electrical interference …. can u try it in a different room , or turn off your other electrical appliances ?
Answer #43
i have been reading this for a while , and my money is on power or electrical interference .... can u try it in a different room , or turn off your other electrical appliances ?i tried it in a few different outlests,same thing tried without any extra devices,same thing,im trying to reinstall windows it might be a drivers problem,,,
Answer #44
understand, sure is a puzzle ,eh …
just to be sure ,when i say turn off ” other ” appliances , i mean fridges , tv’s , washing machines , air conditioners,heaters, and so on …