Samsung ConnectShare

September 5th, 2013

I’m thinking of buying a Samsung TV with the ConnectShare Movie option, which should let you play movies from a USB device.
After searching the internet a bit, I couldn’t really find any information on how it works.
Is there anyone here who has experience with ConnectShare? I’d like to know if it can play .mkv files and if it can recognise muxed subtitles.
Other tips/info are of course always welcome

Answer #1
I own a 40″ sammy and not sure what ConnectShare is exactly
and owners manual says nothing about it, tho the website says it’s a feature
I have tried MKV & AVI on both NTFS & FAT32 USB disks and they all worked
never tried subs, but the TV’s manual says they are supported, but says nothing about muxed ones
go to samsung dot com and get the manual for the TV you want for info
if you get the TV then also check the website for a firmware update
Answer #2
thanks for the info, there was nothing about connectshare on the manual for the model I want to buy either, but at least now I know mkv’s should work
Answer #3
Friend of mine just got one, and if it’s a 3D model with the glasses, it should do downloaded 3D SBS (side by side) and other format 3D movies OK too.


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