RS links with name of file

August 11th, 2023

Hi Guys,
I’ve noticed that alot of ppl put the name of the file in the RS download links. Like if ppl were to download a movie with the title in the link (Monsters Vs Aliens), can RS see what you are downloading and close your Premium accont?
Sorry if this is covered else where.
Thank you

Answer #1
They can see what you are downloading but they cannot close your account , if you upload illegal files they will be deleted at a certain time grtz
Answer #2
It doesn’t make no difference…It’s a myth..People use to think if they name a file in a very unusual name and maybe add a password..Their files are safe…Not true..
First they don’t really care..They are making millions hosting and they know exactly what’s going on…99% on their servers is …As long as nobody reports the files…they are within the law…If reported they get deleted..That’s all what there is to it..
Answer #3
Just because a file is named 24-s7-ep24.rar doesn’t mean it actually contains 24-724.avi.


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