RS extending account HELP

August 5th, 2016

When i try to extend my account for 3333 points instead of 10000 and i click on it i get this:
What does that mean? Why cant i extend?

Answer #1
u have made ur account is made valid till july 2008.
u can only extend ur account for 6 month.
Answer #2
No i have bought 2 months ago rs account for 1 year, my account is valid until september 2008.
Your Premium-Account is valid until Thu, 25. Sep 2008
Answer #3
u cant just extend.
ur accont is already valid for 6 months+
Answer #4
So than why does rapidshare organize this event if i cant do nothing with it? lol, last year i could extend my account, you dont understand, i have a new account a 1 year account, just like last year, than on new year i could extend my account further so i had 1 year and 6 months, now i cant even extend for 1 month, its a new account, bought it 2 months ago. I should be able to extend it to maximum 6 months.


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