Remove appdata folder

August 14th, 2013

is it safe to remove appdata folder in windows 7
just wondering.. it take 6gb of my space

Answer #1
it take 6gb of my space

that’s prob one of the top 2 or 3 needed folders in win7
it has all your ……. wait for it …….. app data
try clearing internet temp files and search the folder by size to see if there’s anything you can clean out
Answer #2
No, do not delete it, by any means. It is an important folder, and if you delete it, you will mess things up.
Answer #3
Use a cleaner that will wipe out unnecessary files. CCleaner:
Answer #4
You might be able to delete some files – things like dvdfab default to appdata for store of dvd conversions, and it might sometimes leave files behind.
Don’t delete the entire folder, go inside each sub folder and just check things. With a little common sense you can work out what’s safe to delete or not.
(hint: anything YOU are currently using is NOT, any movie file or mp3 or whatever than you don’t want IS, anything in a temp folder thatn you CAN delete is safe to delete..)


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