Reduce picture size by opening & saving in paint

August 6th, 2013

Dear All,
I have been experiencing this very strange phenomenon, i take pictures using my hp digital camera, usually the size of the picture is around 1.5MB, i transfer it to my computer, open it in MS Paint and simply save it after opening. The picture quality remains the same but the size drops to half. 1.8MB drops down to a mere 600KB. why is that so? does anyone has any idea?
I have also experienced this when i take pictures from my blackberry, original size is above 1MB, open the picture in paint and save and the picture is around 400KB
its useful if you want to manage space, is there any program out there which does that in batches?

Answer #1
ya image optimization software available..
i guess this is the link
after installing u`ll get option while right clicking any image[or group of images] give optimize it`ll reduce the size..
n some options r also thr while optimizing so u wont loose the quality..
Answer #2
Computer software is usually better than camera software for compressing images. That is why loading and re-saving changes the file size.
IrfanView, which is actually freeware, is great for batch conversion and resizing.
It uses a ‘RIOT’ plugin, where you can specify the filesize for saving (for example, you tell it to save down to 256Kb), and it maintains good quality images.
Hope that helps!
Answer #3
Irfanview is probably the best for this.
The reason for the camera thing -s that they usually save jpg’s at 100% quality rating = big files. They also don’t apply any optimisation to the saving routines so that they can maintain speed (5fps is hard to do if you need to calculate special jpg compression routines).

Software defaults to 60-80% quality, paint is lowest, Irfanview’s default is 80% I think, but you can change it..
Be aware that if you keep saving and saving the file over and over it WILL degrade to unusable – between 5 and 10 saves, maybe.
Answer #4
thanks everyone. Well this happens only once, the size does not reduce again if you follow the same twice, it only happens once. I shall use irfanview as everyone is such a big fan! thanks
Answer #5
It won’t happen if you save twice. Lets have an e.g.:
Pic original = 5.750 megabytes
save 1 at 70% = 2.450 megabytes
save 2 at 70% = same size.
save 3 at 50% = 0.750 megabytes.
The 70% is NOT a ration of file size, it’s a quality rating. Same quality from same program = same size. Same quality but different program = different size (different routines for working the quality).
Answer #6
For people who use Photoshop, there is an option that decreases the file size more than half. After the image is loaded go to File ยป Save for web & devices. You have to choose JPEG on this one, or maximum PNG-8.
In this process some quality loss is expected, obviously.
Answer #7
You might want to give Caesium a shot as well. Compresses well without much artefacts and can process images in batches.
Plus, saving in MSPaint may reduce the image size but it does so at the cost of image details and colour.


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