Recommend some good Co-OP Lan games

August 6th, 2016

Recommend some good Co-op lan game for me.
I tired COD 4:MW and Left2dead 4.
Both are very nice.
Can suggest some for me?

Answer #1
Looks like ~love~, but Sven Co-Op if you like Half-Life 1
Unreal Tournament, Quake 3/Live
Depending how many players, Halo 1/2 for PC
Answer #2
Player does not matter.
Thanks for your suggestion.
I like new games because it will have good graphics and reality.
Answer #3
MW2 ,MW3 ,Farcry3 ,FIFA ,Red Alert 3
good luck
Answer #4
I think MW3 requires lan patch.
Recommend some games like COD.
Answer #5
Quite a few years old now, but Joint Operations and all of its expansions and mods offered some really good co-op game play for a small group of LAN players to take on armies of AI.


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