Rapidshare Question

February 2nd, 2020

What does the Rapidshare bonus part mean? It saids when you buy a certain account it gives you a 8000 points bonus. What does that mean?
Answer #1
these points are used to either “create” or “renew” the rapidshare account. when u buy one for the first time you get 8000 points.. u need 10,000 to create another account or renew the current one for another month.. u get more points when people download the files that you upload to ur account.. downloads from free users account for more points than those from premium account holders.
hope i helped although this is a bad section to post in
Answer #2
so what happens to those 8000 points if i just buy an account to download. does your bonus points just go away? sorry for posting this in this section, not sure which 1 to put in
Answer #3
They do not go away, the free account will still have them. The right section to post in would have been the HelpDesk.


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