Rapidshare problems

January 25th, 2020

I m using flashget and rapidshare and more often than not i cant download all my daily 5gb of data. For example today i started of with 16gb (which i had saved up) and could only download about 4gb. Ive checked my log and nobody has hacked my account. Rapidshare say it could be because i use flashget and not there download manager ( i dont think so) or i could have a virus or trojan (dont know how things like that work , so dont know if possible). Can anybody help please . Not very savy with these things but im learning.
Answer #1
I use flashget too and never had a problem like that. Check the links you insert in flashget, to see if there is a problem with the password and username. Or if you reach this limit you say, try to download a link as a premium user but without flashget, if you can, then flashget has the problem.
Answer #2
check your rapidshare logs, make sure no other IPs are using your account


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