rapidshare points

January 22nd, 2020

is it possible to transfer rapishare points into other rapidshare accounts because i have 2 accounts with 9000 points in both of them.
Answer #1
No, unfortunately it’s impossible to transfer points from one account to the other. Good luck mate ^_^
Answer #2
No, I don’t think it is possible at all. Sorry bro.
Answer #3
Nope, sorry man.
Answer #4
no mate you must upload something and et 1000 in eahc then you will have 2 premiums
Answer #5
no way which is bloody annoying
Answer #6
you cant, but you can get 2 preimium accounts and sell them! lol, or just PM me with the user name and pass and i will use it… hahah im just joking.
Answer #7
no you can’t.
Answer #8
Just imagine all the abuse that will commence if it’s allowed
Answer #9
I’m sorry but this method is impossible but may bye it will be possible someday.
Answer #10
no way which is bloody annoying
why, they dont expect people to have more that one account
besied why the hell wuld you have more that one collectors account


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