Rapidshare is slow

August 8th, 2016

I have RS premium and I used to get about 800kb/s dl speed. But since august I ve been stuck around 400kb/s. Anyone know if there is something going on at rapidshare or have an explanation for me? My isp is comcast and I heard they r going to have a download limit of some sort but I have not heard anything from them yet so I don’t think I have exceeded the limit. I have not changed anything on my network set up, my computer is in good shape (no spyware/adware, defragment on a regular base, clean my registry etc).

Answer #1
Best to Call the ISP
and do a speed test too @ Speedtest.net
and by 800 kb/s do you mean 800 KBPS or 80 KB/S…?
Answer #2
hi ok so I did the speed test and I am fairly confident that it’s pretty good http://www.speedtest.net
EDIT: how do I post my results… lol I mean 800 or .08mb/s


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