Rapidshare help

August 4th, 2016

I recently purchased a rapidshare account. I just wanted to find out if it is possible to extract a direct link from a file after its generated. I am also having problems with my download manager. Does rapidshare support segmented downloading. I am using free download manager but even if I increase the connections it only downloads through 1 connection
Answer #1
Okay…there are lots of questions there…I’ll try answer part of it anyway…
YES rapidshare does support download managers and segments, you have to use the login feature however.
Yes it’s possible to create a direct link….I THINK if you look below the file…wait for someone else to confirm this..or you could go to offtopic and ask someone to make you an HTTP direct link some people provide it as a free service to people of W-BB
I have no clue why it only goes through one connection, I have screenshots of it working in flashget fine, try flashget?


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