
August 2nd, 2016

well, it’s rather odd.
all of my uploads are still working. but in my account there is no uploads. not sure what is going on here sent rapidshare a message but haven’t gotten any results or a reply yet.
has anyone else had this problem?

Answer #1
U mean you can’t see the uploaded content n its DL link in ur acc but those files are still alive and working fine ? This is so weird, never happened to me. By the way contract with RS guys and describe ur problem. This probably a bug, hope this will fix soon.
Answer #2
when you upload files you first have to go to my account and then upload them. if you upload them from the home page they dont go to your account.
Answer #3
I’ve had my uploads vanish from my rapidshare premium page, though the links remain workable, on 2 occassions. Each time I emailed rapidshare (including all necessary information, of course) and within a day or so got they had been ‘returned’.
Answer #4
yea, all of my uploads in my collection acc are gone… even tried uploading something else to try and see if they would come back… but nope.
but yea things like  http://~ Dead file host ~/files/306311947/Orson_Scott_Card_s_Ender_Universe.rar seem to be working but aren’t listed on my acc at all and i’m not sure if i am getting the points at all =/
Answer #5
Could be that someone hacked it and transferred files. Email RS.
Answer #6
Could be that someone hacked it and transferred files. Email RS.
yea, i’ll email them again
Answer #7
well, it took a few days but they finally got ahold of me and got all of my uploads and everything back to me. along with changing my username and password insanely lol


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