Random files (e.g.5U5531E.exe) systray .exe stub [SOLVED]

August 22nd, 2013

I’ve only just noticed it today and my computer has been acting very weird…
I’ve suddenly noticed in my Processers that there are some random files
for example one of them was 5U5531E.exe with the description of “systray .exe (with the space)
everytime I end task, couple mins later a new one witht he same description comes up but a different name for the processor (e.g. MYVF0B6.exe)
anyone know what the ~censored~ this is? I tried googling can’t find anything at all… how can I get rid of this ~love~?
I’ve also done a virus scan, can’t find anything at all (using AVG)

Answer #1
Use Malwarebytes.
If that does not work, try Combofix.
Answer #2
1 avg sucks
2 uninstall avg and install kaspersky internet security 2012
3 install and run malwarebytes’ anti-malware
Answer #3
Run your anti-virus, and Malwarebytes in Safe Mode (tap F8 on boot), make sure they have downloaded and installed the latest definitions first.
Failing that, use Combofix as SmAsHeDr has recommended.
Answer #4
Sounds like it, though can’t tell for sure.
Have you tried Hiren’s Boot CD?
or liveCD with the clamAV?
or a rescue disk?
they are all bootable mediums and can detect and fix viruses.
they are your best bet in my opinion, especially since Hiren’s Boot has just about everything on it,
a completely indispensable tool xD
Answer #5
If nothing shows up on any of those scans install Avast and run a boot time scan. That will allow it to scan for infections before windows loads which will prevent certain viruses from hiding their signatures.
Answer #6
positive, you have a malware running on your pc.
you’re not killing the right process, the virus charge is in another process, you can manually track it by using special softwares like: process hacker 2, winpatrol, filemon, regmon.
Better and easier option for disinfection has been given by the other posters.
Answer #7
SmAsHeDr replied: Use Malwarebytes.
If that does not work, try Combofix.

thanks Malwarebytes had found some stuff but didn’t get rid of it, tried ComboFix and it seems to have gotten rid of that ~love~, thanks for the help SimAshDr


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