PS2 slim modding! total noob at this

July 25th, 2016

hey guyz. i hate ps2 for its old graphics but is forced to use it becux i need to play games not released to pc.
i have a black ps2 slim. i googled and only know you cant play games downloaded from torrent by just writing it on dvd. so i want you help how to play games downloaded from torrent on ur ps2 slim NOT PHAT

Answer #1
Swap Magic and Keys for the PS2 Slim.
Answer #2
Actually you don’t even need the keys, there are household materials that you can use to manipulate the PS2 to stay open that enable you to swap discs…But you will need to buy a copy of Swap Magic.
Answer #3
Actually you don't even need the keys, there are household materials that you can use to manipulate the PS2 to stay open that enable you to swap discs...But you will need to buy a copy of Swap Magic.
You do not need Swap Magic if you want to play PSX 1 backups. Just use an original PSX disc, go to browser and then swap it but be careful doing that.
Answer #4
Nice bump.


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