Program To Copy Files AND Remove File Permissions?

August 9th, 2013

I was wondering if anyone knew of a program that can copy files & folders from a HDD to another HDD (external) or DVDs whilst also removing any files permissions?
A computer has crashed and the person who owns it wants to recover the files & folders from that computer and copy the files to an external HDD but any time they try to access the files they can’t get into them and they get an error because they’re either not the right user because the files belong to the user of the computer that crashed. What program will remove the restriction, file permission so that the files can be copied to a folder of an external HDD so they anyone can access them?
I now the Geek Squad use “F-mod” from their MRI Disc but where can I find a program that can do this? I don’t mine paying for it, I just need it in a rush

Answer #1
If in Windows 7 or Vista, while working with a particular file or folder, Windows throws up an error message saying that You do not have permission to do something, then you need to take full control of the file or folder.
Generally speaking, file / folder permissions determine whether you can access, read, write, modify a file or folder.
The Error messages you get may be any of the following types:
* You don’t have read or write permission to the specified path
* You don’t have permission to modify the file or folder
* You need permission to perform this action
* etc.
DropPermission is a program which helps you gain the permission instantly.
Download the .exe file and run it. A translucent square will open. Simply drag and drop the file or folder in this square, you will be given the requisite permissions.

It can be found at:
Change the permissions and then copy. Easy enough when you can just drag the folders .
Answer #2
Cool, I’ll have to give it a go when I get home later. I have Windows XP Pro will it work with that?
Thanks btw
Answer #3
Ummm….not sure….it’s only a 32k download (yes k) so it’s worth a shot. I didn’t think you should have a permissions problem on XP. It’s been soooo long since I have had to use XP Pro.
Answer #4
ricksterto replied: Ummm....not's only a 32k download (yes k) so it's worth a shot. I didn't think you should have a permissions problem on XP. It's been soooo long since I have had to use XP Pro.
I just remember before connecting up a HDD from a failed laptop that had Windows XP Home and transferring files to a desktop and I had to log in as the administrator in order to access the files
Answer #5
I either keep getting an “runtime error” or it crashes? I am running it on a new set up laptop, am I missing a runtime download that I should have installed???
Answer #6
No it is just crap it crashes all the time!!
Answer #7
I tried drop permission with no luck however found takeownership whic worked brilliantly. I had a friends HD where we wanted to copy his documents etc on a failed PC but access from another as an external drive did not work (it had a windows password) takeownership did the job.
Answer #8


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