Problem with Avi movie file: Is this fixable?

September 4th, 2013

Hi guys,
I’m having a some trouble with a movie .avi file I downloaded (not from this site ) and I’m hoping someone can tell me how can resolve this issue ( if at all possible ).
The movie file I have doesn’t show certain property details like , length, frame width/height, and bi rate.
Because of this, when I open the file and play it, I cannot skip through the movie to watch certain scenes and the video player says the movie is 00.01 seconds long even though the actual movie is 1:30 min long.
BTW, I know I could just download another copy, but the reason I want this one because it’s the only English dubbed version right now on the net ( to my knowledge )
So, do you guys think this problem is fixable or should I just scrap the thing?
Here are some screen shots of the problem too, Thanks

Answer #1
get AVIdemux
open the file in it and under tools select “rebuild I & B frames” then save it
Answer #2
get VLC Media Player and if it is broken it will rebuild the AVI file for you
Answer #3
Ok, thanks guys. I’m gonna go try it out now. I’ll post back here with how it went.
Thanks again
Answer #4
Ok, I tried both programs you guys suggested and neither worked for me.
I did find a program that solved the problem though called DivFix++
Thanks anyway guys.
Here’s the link to a guide on how to use the program if anyone else out there needs it.
Answer #5
Download another different copy


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