1080 movie 2nd file

August 7th, 2016

I downloaded both files but the second one always comes back with an error. I have tried downloading it from multiple sources but same result. Do I have to do something special with the second file?
Answer #1
no one is going to have a clue because you do not give enough information
what type of file is it?
what thread did you download from?
Answer #2
It could just be a bad file. Downloading a different source doesn’t always mean you’re downloading a different file, as it could be from the same source anyway. If from here, has anyone else mentioned same thing. What program are you using, winrar or 7zip? Files may of been done with newer version of winrar (5) which older versions aren’t compatible with, so i’ve read. I’ve also seen some suggest using 7zip with their files. What movie have you got, as someone may have a working version for you, or can try and find one in my case?
Answer #3
If they are Winrar archives you don’t need to extract the second one..
You just extract the first one and WinRar take care of the rest..
Just make sure both files are in the same folder..


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