plants vs zombies mods

August 9th, 2016

Hi i recently downloaded plants vs zombies from here (which ive played before) so i was just wondering is there anyway of modding the game?
Answer #1
pc or iphone?
you could use a hex editor for pc version to get crap load of money as for iphone idk how to mod that
Answer #2
yeh im on pc but what am i ment to hex edit…like what string of text etc. ty
Answer #3
Honestly couldn’t tell you I never messed with it just knew people did it. Quick google search would prob find it. I kno that’s only modding I kno of the game.. Sorry man
Answer #4
I found a video on youtube of a mod to grow you tree of wisdom to unlock all the fun zombie mods, and that uses cheat engine.
Link here:
And here is a video about cheating with money, and sun.
I don’t know if these work or not. Hopefully they will help you though =D
Answer #5
yeah, you can get ‘cheat engine’ and use it like a game shark. sometimes cheat engine shows up as trojan, thats because it does change values in other programs. false positive.


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