Pc-mods or xbox 360 mods? gta iv best download links for pc?

August 8th, 2016

Hello, I hope someone can help me out for I got a couple of questions.
First of all, do you recommend me to get gta iv for my xbox 360 or for my pc? *Heres what I’m looking for, I want to be able to easily add mods to GTA. simple as that.
1.But, is it possible to mod the games that are of the xbox 360? if so, what leap of difficulty is it? and is their any consequences in doing so? like the games getting banned, or the xbox 360 becoming corrupted?
2.Say you guys recommend to get gta for pc because its much more flexible when it comes to modding, What would be the best Operating System to get it for? windows 7 or xp? and what bit version of windows is best for such game? x32 or 64 bit? Do high quality games work good with xp’s? I hear XP is the gamers choice? is this true?
3. Where can I download the fool gta iv pc-iso with the game crack? I know warz-bb has it, but which one is the most trusted one with every content intact from the original?
A link would be great

Answer #1
theres quite a few topics up for GTA 4:

Note: they’re all for pc
1.But, is it possible to mod the games that are of the xbox 360? if so, what leap of difficulty is it? and is their any consequences in doing so? like the games getting banned, or the xbox 360 becoming corrupted?
Dont know if theres any mods for the 360 version but PC is easier to mod. You can add, remove at anytime What would be the best Operating System to get it for? windows 7 or xp? and what bit version of windows is best for such game? x32 or 64 bit?
XP is being phased out so no point getting too attached to it. Windows 7 is the preferred one, stick with 32bit if you have <4GB ram and 64 if you have more than 4GB
Do high quality games work good with xp's? I hear XP is the gamers choice? is this true?
Its just favored due to the lower use of resources, as i said dont get too attached to it it’ll be phased out soon
Where can I download the fool gta iv pc-iso with the game crack?
listed above, if yo want full content ones look for full iso versions not repacks or rips
Answer #2
You wouldn’t even use XP since Direct X 10 isn’t officially supported by it.
Windows Xp has a load of security holes and with today’s hardware, you can’t use today’s hardware at their full potential. You can find GTA IV just by searching it in the forum’s search engine.
Most GTA IV’s are direct dumps, so they are pretty much the same.
I doubt that you will get decent playable frame rates with any PC hardware.
I’ll say this again, GTA IV IS A BAD CONSOLE PORT.
Answer #3
you can mod xbox versions ive seen it online, but id guess you need to JTAG the xbox first. and if you have a good pc go for the PC version, with max settings it looks 1000x better.
Answer #4
stick with 32bit if you have <4GB ram and 64 if you have more than 4GB
I have a 4GB ram equipedwith a 64 bit W7, GTA IV will run slow for me because of this? is the graphic any different on the 32 bit? listed above, if yo want full content ones look for full iso versions not repacks or rips

I’ve seen around a lot of ISO’s varying in sizes, from 4GB to 13GB. I want to know whats the original ISO size? this way I know for sure that what I’m downloading is not repacked or something like that.
ps. Whats the differences with the repacks/reloaded and rips from the original/untouched iso?
does it have less contents like graphics or cars, music? or building or whats up with that?
anyone who knows where to find the full content/untouched ISO of GTA IV for pc, please I would be in dear gratitude if provided.
Seems like this one has the full ISO
is 15GB the original full content ISO?


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