
February 2nd, 2020

Hello everybody I really need to find a way-It’s not important how- to ping Any idea? Question Worshippy
Answer #1
ICMP requests are probably blocked at their end. There’s nothing you can do about it
Answer #2
I don’t think MS allow response to pinging since big companies like that are an obvious target for dDOS attacks.
Answer #3
I know that,but there should be a way????
Answer #4
Probably not, but why do you want that so bad?
Answer #5
I have com networks course this semester,and I need to do that
I told my professor that i will
Answer #6
I have com networks course this semester,and I need to do that
I told my professor that i will

I think you lied to him.
Answer #7
why Should I lie?????!!!!
Answer #8
You told him you will ping microsoft but it can’t be done. So you can’t do what you said you would do therefore it’s a lie.
Answer #9
if u failed pinging microsoft, nevermind, instead try to ping other similar big companies like e.g macintosh, google, yahoo, or you can ping, it is more easier and if you can do that…. then you have done a good effort in trying pinging microsoft but it’s still “on progress”. Remember that every journey begun with FIRST step…. unless u are very expert and experienced in this field, then go ahead…


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