PC ReBooots!

January 23rd, 2020

Hi, My PC Is Rebooting.
I don�t know why i checked :
-RAM – No
-Virus – HDD Format – No
-Dust – No, Cleaned It Up
If I let the PC out of electric net for 10-30 minutes it doesn�t reboot.
If it reboots it reboots 3 times consecutive.

Answer #1
System specs?
Hear any beeps?
Does it post at all?
Does the fans spin up?
Answer #2
Check your temps.
Answer #3
Temps – Ok.
No Beeps.
No Error Messages.
Yes, They Spin Up…
I�ve :
-Pentium 4 CPU
-Ati Radeon X1650
-2,5 GB RAM
-Windows 7 Ultimate
-3 Fans
Had Never a Problem with my PC.
Answer #4
1) If your motherboard have onboard graphics then turn it on and boot.
2) Check the RAM chips one by one at a time.
3) Finally, replace the PSU.
Important: Disconnect your HDD while doing this testing.
Answer #5
Usually rebooting is caused by overheating or some hardware on its way out..
The latter is harder to find unless you have another good working compatable machine you can test the parts with, any part can cause it, even a faulty dvd drive..
Most commonly is RAM, HDD or Video card…
Hope you find to root of the problem
Answer #6
Usually rebooting is caused by overheating or some hardware on its way out..

Yes.. that’s the main symptom. Your system will overheat if any part is faulty.
Answer #7
Your gonna have to be more specific,You can’t just say
your PC reboots and that’s that. Few questions:
1. At what stage does this occur? During post (bios screen)/While windows
is loading/While windows is already running.
2. If while running,What do you usually do just before it happens?
3. How did you check the RAM?
4. Did you recently install any new driver or internet security
5. Did you recently added or replaced any hardware?
Upload the files from the c:\windows\minidump folder
so i could pinpoint the cause.
Usually rebooting is caused by overheating or some hardware on its way out..

I disagree,Overheating never cause random reboots!,If the CPU
overheats it causes a complete shutdown,If the video card
overheats it causes artifacts or lines on the screen.
Random reboots can be caused by many reasons both hardware & software,Even a faulty driver
can do it.

chintuishero wrote: Select all

Usually rebooting is caused by overheating or some hardware on its way out..

Your system will overheat if any part is faulty[/b].
Wrong,This never happens.
Answer #8
1. It Happens Random…
2. It does nothing before…
4. Ahh, I installed it a while ago so it can�t be that.
5. No.
I can�t find any Minidump folder :/
No lines on screen – No GPU overheating…
Answer #9

3. I picked up every RAM and gave it there consecutive.

You did what? Makes no sense.
The correct way to test RAM is using memtest86+
as explained on this guide:

I can�t find any Minidump folder :/

This means that these restarts are more likely
caused by hardware and not software.
I suggest you check your motherboard
for bad capacitors,Refer to this:
also provide a screenshot from hwmonitor:
Answer #10
Oh, Sorry I Meant I Emptyed The RAM Slots And Then I Gave Then The RAMs…
Cuz� I�ve Got 3 RAMs…